Shevut Yaakov

1:11 - Sanctity of a synagogue

1:12 - Coffee and Bishul Akum, Women and Kiddush Levanah, Piyyutim [Extra poems in the service]

1:13 - Determining the time of death

1:134 - Corporal punishment beyond the law, LeMigdar Milta

2:11 - Women and Kiddush Levanah

2:25 - Tefillin on Chol haMoed

2:34 - Dream Interpretation

2:41 - Lighting wax candles for Chanukah

2:44 - Yuhara - The appearance of arrogant self-righteousness in Mitzvah performance

2:85 - Tithing income as Mitzvah or Minhag

2:105 - Storing Food Beneath a Bed

3:5 - Wearing a Hat/Yarmulka in Public

3:42 - Tashlich

3:45 - Foolish Piety - Chasidut shel Shtut

3:71 - Waste

3:110 - Equating a "She'at haDechak [a pressure situation]" with a "BeDi'eved [ex post facto]" situation

To add sources or to suggest topics for source material, please e-mail me [Mordechai Torczyner] at: . All submissions are welcome and encouraged, and will be credited!

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