Meishiv Davar

1:12 - The institution of the "Baruch HaShem leOlam / Yiru Eineinu" blessing

1:13 - Piyyutim [Extra Poems added to the Service]

1:14 - Hashgachah Peratit

2:51 - Holding a wedding in a synagogue

2:56 - Yovel [Jubilee] in the modern era

2:75 - Tithing income as Mitzvah or Minhag

4:3 - The Mitzvah of marriage, The Mitzvah of procreation

4:4 - The Mitzvah of marriage, The Mitzvah of procreation

4:5 - The Mitzvah of marriage, The Mitzvah of procreation

4:6 - The Mitzvah of marriage, The Mitzvah of procreation

4:11 - Tumah for Kohanim for Deceased Relatives

4:75 - Equating a "She'at haDechak [a pressure situation]" with a "BeDi'eved [ex post facto]" situation

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