Hilchita leMisheecha and Mai deHavah Havah - Studying laws which don't have practical applications
Verses in Tanach
Talmud / Midrash and commentaries
Chagigah 6b
Niddah 70b
Sanhedrin 51b
Yoma 5b
Zevachim 44b-45a
Tosafot Chagigah 6b s.v. "Mai"
Tosafot Pesachim 69b s.v. "Halachah"
Tosafot Sanhedrin 15b s.v. "Shor Sinai beKamah"
Tosafot Sanhedrin 51b s.v. "Hilchita"
Tosafot Zevachim 45a s.v. "Hilchita"
Ritva Yoma 13a s.v. "Halachah"
Rosh Chullin 1:23
Aruch leNer Sanhedrin 51b
Margaliyot haYam Sanhedrin 51b 3
Post Talmud / Midrash, Pre-Rishonim
Mishneh Torah and commentaries
Likutei Halachos (of the Chafetz Chayyim) Hakdamah I
Rishonim [Pre-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Tur, Shulchan Aruch ["Code of Jewish Law"] and Commentaries
Acharonim [Post-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Recent Authorities
Much of the material in this file came from an article in Beit Yosef Shaul (1987), by R' Zevulun Charlop.
To add sources or to suggest topics for source material, please e-mail me [Mordechai Torczyner] at: . All submissions are welcome and encouraged, and will be credited!