Shut Avnei Nezer

Choshen Mishpat 23 - The "Heter Iska" converting loans into investments

Choshen Mishpat 98 - Episodic mental incompetence

Choshen Mishpat 126:2 - Hashgachah Peratit

Choshen Mishpat 160 - Women and the Mitzvah of Shofar

Choshen Mishpat 184 - Doing business in forbidden foods

Choshen Mishpat 193 - Bitachon and Hishtadlut - The Obligation to trust Gd, vs. the need for efforts of self-preservaton

Even haEzer 45:13 - The Mitzvah of marriage

Even haEzer 79:7 - The sin of the Mabul Generation

Even haEzer 137:6 - Corporal punishment beyond the law, LeMigdar Milta

Orach Chaim 2 - Writing on Chol haMoed, Tefillin on Chol haMoed

Orach Chaim 15:8-10 - The Color of Techelet

Orach Chaim 51 - Use of a time-delayed transaction to sell Chametz when Erev Pesach is Shabbat

Orach Chaim 326:2-3 - Doing business in forbidden foods

Orach Chaim 392 - Circumcision on the 2nd day of Yom Tov, when it isn't the child's 8th day

Orach Chaim 430 - Prayers between Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur

Orach Chaim 448 - Women and the Mitzvah of Shofar; Practices to Confuse the Satan on Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur

Orach Chaim 514 - Eating the Purim Seudah when the 15th of Adar is Shabbat

Orach Chaim 517:6 - Whether women may write Tefillin

Orach Chaim 526:12 - Swimming on Shabbat

Yoreh Deah 2:4 - Doing business in forbidden foods

Yoreh Deah 105 - Doing business in forbidden foods

Yoreh Deah 123:9 - Does belief in a Trinity qualify as Avodah Zarah?

Yoreh Deah 131:7 - Dressing in a Modern Style

Yoreh Deah 132 - The "Heter Iska" converting loans into investments

Yoreh Deah 238:3 - When science seems to contradict Halachah

Yoreh Deah 312:47 - Corporal punishment beyond the law, LeMigdar Milta

Yoreh Deah 312:74 - Female Judges

Yoreh Deah 371:6-7 - The Zohar in Halachah

Yoreh Deah 386 - Chadash in the modern era

Yoreh Deah 450 - Entering Har haBayit while Tamei

Yoreh Deah 454:23 - Mysticism in Judaism

Yoreh Deah 454:33 - Hashgachah Peratit

Yoreh Deah 461 - The Mitzvah of rebuking others

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