Batlah Daato Eitzel Kol Adam - Personal intent is irrelevant if it differs from normal human intent
Please note - I am not bringing every case which involves ignoring personal mindset; beyond the Talmudic array of cases, I am only bringing citations which deal with the principle of Bittul Daat itself.
Verses in Tanach
Talmud / Midrash and commentaries
Berachot 35b - Dietary Issues
Shabbat 91a - Transport of normally-insignificant quantities on Shabbat
Shabbat 92a-b - Standard methods of transportation
Shabbat 144b - Dietary Issues
Eruvin 26b - Home Issues
Eruvin 28b - Dietary Issues
Eruvin 30b - Dietary Issues
Pesachim 44a - Methods of Eating
Succah 3b-4a - Standard concern for one's property
Nazir 36b - Dietary Issues
Menachot 70a - Methods of Eating
Keritot 21a-b - Dietary Issues
Tosefta Sheviit 2:7-8 - Dietary Issues
Tosefta Taharot 2:5, 9:13 - Dietary Issues
Tosefta Uktzin 2:10, 3:6 - Dietary Issues
Rashi Pesachim 2b s.v. "MiShe'at" - Personal Customs
Rashi Rosh HaShanah 14a s.v. "Ikka" - Planting Methods
Rashi Chagigah 20a s.v. "Dilma" - Personal Customs
Rashi Succah 4a s.v. "ve'Af Al Gav"
Rashi Sotah 30a s.v. "Al Taharat" - Personal Customs
Rashi Menachot 12a s.v. "Kol haKometz" - Use of Sanctified Items
Tosafot Shabbat 92b s.v. "veIm Timtza Lomar" - Size of Population
Tosafot Eruvin 28a s.v. "UBavel" - Size of Population
Ritva Succah 4a
Post Talmud / Midrash, Pre-Rishonim
Mishneh Torah and commentaries
Rishonim [Pre-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Tur, Shulchan Aruch ["Code of Jewish Law"] and Commentaries
Beit Yosef Orach Chaim 161 "veKatav Od" - Chatzitzah
Beit Yosef Yoreh Deah 198 "UMah sheKatav Rabbeinu UMihu" - Chatzitzah
Biur Halachah 16 s.v. "veAz Chayyav" - Garment styles
Acharonim [Post-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Chatam Sofer 1:Orach Chaim 55 - Personal Diet
Divrei Rivot 223 - Size of Population
Ginat Veradim Orach Chaim 1:20 - A representative of a congregation
Peulat Tzaddik 3:80 - Size of Population
Sedei Chemed Bet:77 - Application of this principle leading to a lenient ruling
Sedei Chemed Bet:78 - Size of Population
Sedei Chemed Bet:79 - On entities which are repellent to some/most people
Recent Authorities
Beit Yitzchak 5755, Vol. 27, pg. 451-2, "He'arot BeInyanei Moed" by Rabbi Baruch Pesach haKohen Mendelson - On the rationale behind "Batlah Daato"
Igrot Moshe Orach Chaim 1:108 - Personal style of dress; Yoreh Deah 1:58 - Size of Population; Even haEzer 3:30:2 - Psychological presumptions [Umdina]; Choshen Mishpat 1:40 - Communal Needs
Minchat Yitzchak 1:25:4 - Communal acceptance of Shabbat; 8:15 - Personal diet
Orach Mishpat Orach Chaim 2 - Size of Population
Yabia Omer 2:Yoreh Deah 13:8 - Size of Population; 5:Orach Chaim 15:4 - Size of Population
To add sources or to suggest topics for source material, please e-mail me [Mordechai Torczyner] at: . All submissions are welcome and encouraged, and will be credited!