Verses in Tanach
Talmud / Midrash and commentaries
Avodah Zarah 67b-68a
Bechorot 5b
Chullin 122a
Pesachim 21b, 45b
Shevuot 24b
Temurah 31a
Yerushalmi Pesachim 7:11
Yerushalmi Sanhedrin 8:2
Yerushalmi Shabbat 14:1
Ran Avodah Zarah 16b in Dapei haRif, s.v. Misrach
Rosh Berachot 6:38
Rosh Pesachim 2:1
Sifra Shemini 2:8
Tosafot Avodah Zarah 69a s.v. Hahu
Post Talmud / Midrash, Pre-Rishonim
Mishneh Torah and commentaries
Hilchot Maachalot Assurot 4:18-21
Rishonim [Pre-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Tur, Shulchan Aruch ["Code of Jewish Law"] and Commentaries
Tur, Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 87, 99
Aruch haShulchan Orach Chaim 442:30; Yoreh Deah 87:43
Magen Avraham Orach Chaim 216:3
Mishnah Berurah 442:43
Pitchei Teshuvah Yoreh Deah 87:20
Shach Yoreh Deah 87:33
Taz Orach Chaim 216:2
Acharonim [Post-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Recent Authorities
I am indebted to the following article for many of my references here: Rabbi Howard Jachter, Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society Vol. XXX (Fall 1995) "Taking Medicine in a Gel-Cap"
Contributors to this set of references
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