Difference between Men's and Women's Neshamot [Souls]
The Soul
Verses in Tanach
Rav Shimshon Rafael Hirsch on Vayikra 23:43
Talmud / Midrash and commentaries
Post Talmud / Midrash, Pre-Rishonim
Mishneh Torah and commentaries
Rishonim [Pre-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Tur, Shulchan Aruch ["Code of Jewish Law"] and Commentaries
Magen Avraham 46:10 [The correct edition includes "Ishah." See Yabia Omer 5:Orach Chaim 10:6.]
Acharonim [Post-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Maharal Derush Al haTorah s.v. "Shuv Amar Koh" [and see also Tiferet Yisrael Perek 28]
Rav Pealim 1: Yoreh Deah 54 [end]
Torah Lishmah 442
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