Theodicy - The problem of righteous people who suffer, and wicked who thrive (Tzaddik veRa Lo)
Verses in Tanach
Shemot 20:4-5; 34:7
Devarim 24:16
Melachim II 14:6
Yeshayah 14:21
Tehillim 37:25; 109:14
Ibn Ezra Shemot 20:5-6 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Rashi Tehillim 62:12 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Ramban Shemot 20:4 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Radak Shemuel II 21:1 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Ralbag Yehoshua 7:1 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Talmud / Midrash and commentaries
Berachot 7a (Tzaddik ben Tzaddik)
Chullin 142a (Sechar Mitzvah beHai Alma)
Kiddushin 39b (Sechar Mitzvah beHai Alma)
Menachot 29b (Zu Torah veZu Secharah)
Moed Katan 28a (Mazal, Mitat Tzaddikim Mechaperet)
Sanhedrin 27b (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Sanhedrin 43b-44a (Achan's family)
Shabbat 32b (BaAvon X Banim Meitim)
Shabbat 156a (Mazal)
Sotah 13b (Koveir Ishto UBanav)
Taanit 25a (Sechar Mitzvah beHai Alma)
Yevamot 49b-50a (Lifespan and Zechut)
Mechilta deR' Yishmael Yitro 6 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Bamidbar Rabbah 19:33 (Pokeid Avon Avot - Moshe argues)
Kohelet Rabbah 2:1:17 (R' Meir's attitude toward his children's inheritance)
Pesikta deRav Kahana 25:3 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Midrash Tannaim Devarim 24:16 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Midrash Tanchuma Parshat Shoftim 19 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Otzar Midrashim pg. 138 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Tosafot Moed Katan 28a "Ela" (Mazal)
Tosafot Shabbat 156a "Mazal" (Mazal and Zechut)
Tosafot Yevamot 50a "Mosifin" (Mazal and Zechut)
Post Talmud / Midrash, Pre-Rishonim
Emunot veDeiot of Rav Saadia Gaon, Maamar 9
Mishneh Torah and commentaries
Hilchot Teshuvah 3:2 (Din)
Raavad Hilchot Teshuvah 3:2 (Din)
Rishonim [Pre-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Maharalbach 8 (Theodicy and Gilgul), 76 (Pokeid Avon Avot)
Moreh haNevuchim 3:51
Rashba 5:48 (role of Mazal)
Tur, Shulchan Aruch ["Code of Jewish Law"] and Commentaries
Acharonim [Post-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Recent Authorities
LeBaayat haGemul baMikra R' Yissachar Yakovson
Igrot Moshe Yoreh Deah 4:27 (Sechar Mitzvah beHai Alma)
Michtav meiEliyahu Vol. I pg. 19-23
Minchat Yitzchak 2:120 (Sechar Mitzvah beHai Alma); 9:169 (Sechar Mitzvah beHai Alma)
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