Reincarnation - Gilgul
Verses in Tanach
Ohr haChaim Bereishit 1:28 - Order of Reincarnation
Rabbeinu Bachya Bereishit 4:25 - Purpose of Reincarnation
Rabbeinu Bachya Devarim 33:6 - Purpose of Reincarnation
Zohar Parshat Mishpatim
Talmud / Midrash and commentaries
Post Talmud / Midrash, Pre-Rishonim
Rav Saadia Gaon, Emunot veDe'ot, end of Maamar 6 - Flaws in belief in reincarnation
Mishneh Torah and commentaries
Rishonim [Pre-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Tur, Shulchan Aruch ["Code of Jewish Law"] and Commentaries
Acharonim [Post-"Code of Jewish Law"]
Pele Yoetz "Gilgul" (pg. 95)
Sefer haGilgulin of the Ari
Recent Authorities
Hegyonei Uziel [HaRav Ben Zion Uziel] Vol. 1 pg. 371
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